- Lead CH(00:01:59 - 00:02:14) - Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin

- Lead CH(00:01:59 - 00:02:14)
Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin

Hey Guys I've had the privilege of testing this awesome plug in and I'm very happy to share it with you. Join me as I discover the wonderful things this Plugin has to offer. I honestly can't believe this is available for only $49.99 it's an incredible price for what you get... (correct at time of...
Hey Guys I've had the privilege of testing this awesome plug in and I'm very happy to share it with you. Join me as I discover the wonderful things this Plugin has to offer. I honestly can't believe this is available for only $49.99 it's an incredible price for what you get... (correct at time of posting) I'm sure it'll go up at some point, it's too good not to. ;)
To find out more please visit https://auroradsp.com/plugins/laney-ironheart
or www.Laney.co.uk
Watch my performance piece here. https://youtu.be/GhJNU6WowgU

Many thanks for watching guys and I hope you enjoyed the video. See you on the next one.

All the very best 👍 🎸 🙏

Video Chapters

0:00 - Intro/Overview
0:47 - Clean tone Amp Reverb
1:43 - Rhythm CH
1:59 - Lead CH
2:14 - Pre Boost
4:08 - More features
4:40 - Cabs/Mic options
5:30 - Important Tone tips
7:05 - Using the Gate
8:47 - Delay (Build in)
10:37 - Reverb
12:00 - Limiter
12:35 - Stomp Boxes
14:29 - Using with other FX from your DAW
15: 30 - Final thoughts
16:22 - new video idea?
- Intro/Overview - Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin

- Intro/Overview

Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin
00:00:00 - 00:00:47
- Clean tone Amp Reverb - Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin

- Clean tone Amp Reverb

Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin
00:00:47 - 00:01:43
- Rhythm CH - Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin

- Rhythm CH

Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin
00:01:43 - 00:01:59
- Lead CH - Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin

- Lead CH

Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin
00:01:59 - 00:02:14
- Pre Boost - Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin

- Pre Boost

Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin
00:02:14 - 00:04:08
 (1) - Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin


Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin
2024年01月13日  @BaroqueBlues 様 
00:03:38 - 00:03:42
 (2) - Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin


Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin
2024年01月13日  @BaroqueBlues 様 
00:03:42 - 00:16:48
- More features - Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin

- More features

Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin
00:04:08 - 00:04:40
- Cabs/Mic options - Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin

- Cabs/Mic options

Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin
00:04:40 - 00:05:30
- Important Tone tips - Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin

- Important Tone tips

Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin
00:05:30 - 00:07:05
- Using the Gate - Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin

- Using the Gate

Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin
00:07:05 - 00:08:47
- Delay (Build in) - Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin

- Delay (Build in)

Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin
00:08:47 - 00:10:37
- Reverb - Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin

- Reverb

Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin
00:10:37 - 00:12:00
- Limiter - Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin

- Limiter

Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin
00:12:00 - 00:12:35
- Stomp Boxes - Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin

- Stomp Boxes

Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin
00:12:35 - 00:14:29
- Using with other FX from your DAW15: 30 - Final thoughts - Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin

- Using with other FX from your DAW15: 30 - Final thoughts

Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin
00:14:29 - 00:16:22
- new video idea? - Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin

- new video idea?

Laney Unleashes INCREDIBLE new Plugin
00:16:22 - 00:16:48

Alex Hutchings


